Thursday, December 28, 2006

God's Provision

I will keep this blog kinda short. Well basically, this is post of how God has provided for me to go on my trip to Thailand so far. About a month ago I was kind of foolish with my money and bought someone $424 CAN in groceries (don't ask me how, because I don't even know how it got to be so much, and I was there). I know that if it doesn't cost me anything than I am not going to learn from my mistake (which wasn't giving, but giving beyond my own means (and putting their family before my own) and not allowing the other person to be dependant on God), but I was asking God for mercy, so that it didn't cost me as much as it did. So after about 3 weeks I get a phone call from work to come in and pick up my Christmas bonus package, only thing is that I have been laid off since Oct. 5th. So I come in and get my bonus package, and I am at home and I start opening everything and there are these gift cards in there. A $10 one, and then another $10 one and then another, but there is a fourth gift card and I thought that it would be another $10 gift card, but nope, it is a $100 gift card for groceries at Save-on-Foods, for a total of $130. So God gave me mercy in the form of four gift cards, so that buying the person their groceries only ending up costing me $300 CAN instead of the full amount. So praise the Lord that His merciful love endures forever, and that He is gracious enough to provide for even a wretch like me (yeah olde English).

Before I tell you this next part, you should know that I never asked anyone for a penny I jus told them I was going to Thailand. Last Friday (22nd), I was at a friend's birthday party, and someone came up to me and gave me a check for $500, then the next day (yes on Saturday) I was at church and some of the people there gave me money out of their own pocket for a total of another $100. Then yesterday (Tuesday), I got a Fed-ex from Wash. state and it was a money order for $100 US ($113 CAN), and just to make it even someone gave my a twoonie as well, to make to total $715 CAN. Now all this after not asking for a single penny and just trusting that God would provide for me (and He did, yet again). Oh taste and see that God is good!!! Oh soooo good!! Well I guess that is enough for now, so may the Lord God Jehovah bless you all in the mighty name of Jesus Christ with a deeper love and understanding of Himself and may He bless you with whatever else He wants to bless you with (the Lord does as He pleases (Psalm 135:5-7)).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from El Salvador...I just want to say that doen´t care if you are in the Lost land of the world, if you are sick or not...God always is with you. He is or Daddy like David said. Even without know in person to David I feel like is a real brother to me.
I´m praying for you David, I´m pride of you and the amazing things that you are doing. I´m happy that you are feeling better.
receive a hug in the distance and God bless you!!!!