Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Quick Update

Hello everyone and may God bless you all. This is just a quick update to let everyone know that I am feeling much better. If you received my e-mails then you know that I was sick, and now I am better. Anyways... so it started with some diarrhea, which dehydrated me, and which made me lose of control of my body temperature. Once my temperature was changing quickly, it made me feel nauseous, which of course lead to vomiting, and further dehydration. I asked for some of the Karen to pray for me, which they very diligently did so. One of them actually stayed and prayed at the foot of my bed, kneeling on the hard ground, for at least a half an hour. He stayed until sometime after I feel asleep (which is why I am not sure how long he prayed). Well prayer works, because I woke up a couple hours after all of the Karen prayed for me, and I wasn't sick anymore. I was still dehydrated, and since I was vomiting and didn't sleep that much, I was hungry and tired, but not sick. The next day they took me into Mae Sot, the nearby small city, to a clinic for some rehydration via IV needle, and the doctor gave me some medicine, and sent me on my way. Now I am feeling much better (the next day after the sickness), so praise the Lord for the quick healing. May the Lord, our God of the heavens, who is our daddy, bless you all, and thanks again for reading my blog.

P.S.- I picked up my 'lost' bag from the bus station too, so now all my stuff is together again. The person who was suppose to pick it up for me never did, and didn't say that he wasn't going to, so I thought it was lost.


Anonymous said...

WOW that is a cool blog, being sick is so awesome sometimes, like when you are trying to skip tests and stuff. I must be really bored to leave a comment on my own blog.


Elisa Zupancic said...

Your a goof :) not enough people commenting on your blog so you have to add your own?

I am glad that we serve a God who loves us so much that he heal his beloved children, that means you! Thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

Hey David!

I'm glad to see everything is going so well for you. You're in my prayers and I'm glad you're feeling better. I had the same thing happen to me last year and ended up in the hospital for the night so I know how you felt when you were going through that ordeal. :D Praise the Lord for a quick recovery. Looking forward to your next blog. God be with you my Brother.


Anonymous said...

Dear David,
My prayers are with you. Thanks for the phone calls. I miss you a lot. You said you drank some horrible stuff and the doctor gave you some good tasting stuff, that is why I said in my email that you had oral IV!! HA! So they poked you with a needle too! Well PRAISE GOD THAT YOU ARE BETTER!!!
May you feel the love of CHRIST over your mind, soul and spririt!
I love you and miss you! I did send large envelope with Faith. I was hoping you would have received it by now! Love MOM
P.S. And stop answering your own blogs, people might think you are getting JUNGLE MADNESS! HA! JUST KIDDING!

Anonymous said...

Praise The Lord Your Well!! How did the new songs go (the ones mom sent you) and think its so cool how your teaching them with songs. It's like the sound of music all over again. Love yah,- Sis Hilda

Anonymous said...

Hey it's my blog and I can leave a comment if I want to. And is there anything any of you can do about it? That's what I thought. Yeah so now you provoked me to 2 comments so ha, and only I can Sign In and erase comments. Haha I win.


Leenda Zupancic said...

You must be feeling better, your humour is showing!
Ha, ha I win next, I'm the last email thus far.

HIS-JOY: SONJA said...

Nu..uh...I am that last person to leave a message..Ha!
I'm glad God is stretching you to go deeper with Him, keep it up, He's proud of His son.