Saturday, December 23, 2006

John's Testimony

One night when I was at my girlfriend's house, saying bye at the door, my cell phone rang and it was John, my little brother. He wanted to know if I would come home and pray for him, so I said 'yes' and got home as quickly as safely possible. When I got ther we talked about it just to make sure that he was doing it for the right reasons. After he convinced me (which didn't really take much), I lead him in prayer and then he was back on the right path again, instantaneously. The Bible says that god takes our sins from us as far as the east is from the west, so if you know anything about math, that basically means that your sins become nonexistent; and that is as soon as you ask for forgiveness. So it was as if John had never done anything wrong as far as God is concerned (it also says that he puts our sins in His sea of forgetfulness, meaning that He will never bring it up again). So thank God for the holy blood of Jesus Christ, that this happens to us each and every time we ask for forgiveness after we have done someting wrong. So after John resumed his walk with the Lord, he went to bed and I was so excited I could hardly sleep. That is why I e-mailed most of the people that are reading this right now at 3:30 am. Then next day we got up and went to church, and I told everyone I could what the Lord had done. He has made alot of impressive changes in the last week, it is simply amazing. Like tonight for example, he offered to and actually did make me supper, which is a first and then he also blessed the food too. I was so proud of him, and I know that that may sound cheesy to you but after so many years of John being the way that he was, and now even seeing the slightest improvements, is just plain cool for an older brother to see. Anyways, that is his testimony for the time being, so I will cut it off there. God bless you all in the mighty and holy name of Jesus Christ, amen. Please also remember to keep John Schile in your prayers as he restarts his walk with the Lord, thanks a bunch and blessings on you all.

The Photos (starting from the top and progressing down): Saying 'hi' to his love, Katrina; love from afar (this was the first time John was at Katrina's House); "Siblings and Friends", (right to left) Lydia (friend), Sarah-lynn (sister), John (as himself), David (that's me!), Daniel (brother), and Duane (friend); "Brothers", John, Daniel, and me again; John and Enrique (are awesome, loving, providing and protecting step-father); John and our mom; and last but not least John and Sarah-lynn.


Anonymous said...

Remarkable topic

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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